Episodic TV series - Series 1 budget $15m US

Based on a newly written trilogy of novels set in the period 1870-1900,

this romantic action-adventure pans Scotland, England, USA,Canada the wilds of Nova Scotia.

At a time when Scotland was in turmoil we witness the struggle and the fight of one Woman ("Lady Charlotte") against the political wars and social upheavals of the upper and lower classes.


A powerful and emotional story of love, romance, adventure and betrayal.3 decades of feuds - A Woman in love - a Family at War.

Likened to 'Gone With The Wind' meets 'Christopher Columbus' meets 'The Forsyte Saga', this major Television project is a magnificent 'period' TV Drama Serial (and or Film / MiniSeries) with a worldwide appeal and marketability.

The 1st novel in the Trilogy (The Lady of Tremayne) explores the Life and Loves of Lady Charlotte - destined to become the Lady of Barcaldine.


We witness her struggles as she fights for the People against the tyrannical corridors of political power...and even against her own husband, the evil Laird.
She risks everything for Love.


Her search for herself and her long lost brother takes her from the beauty of the Scottish Highlands to the wild barrens of Nova Scotia and Alaska - her only true companion being the mysterious 'Merchant' - the wildly dashing and romantic 'Robin Hood' of the Seas. 


Only at the end of her search will all be revealed..- only then will we discover the real secret that lies behind the aged family name and ancestry of the House of Barcaldine.


Co-Producers: Penguin Films, Sweden.(CEO: J.Pingo Lindstrom).





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