TIMESTEALERS is a wonderful foray into a magical world of Time, Elementals,
Magicians, and Adventures. Live action and animation at its finest. Creation of
Roy & Ursula Radford (Fairford Films). A Family Film/Children's Animated & Live Action TV Series with 65 half-hour TV episodes already under consideration.


An animated fantasy-adventure feature film and multi-episodic TV Series that
children of all ages will never forget!


On a quest to recover the New Year, stolen by Mandred the villainous Sorcerer
of the Land of Seasons, the four Devine children are plunged into fantastic
adventures within weird and wonderful worlds where the Elemental creatures


Here it is that they try to find Time to save the Future! Guided by an old
Grandfather Clock and strange new friends of the elements of Air, Earth, Fire
and Water we witness their incredible adventures as they strive to save their
own world from the clutches of Mandred & Dredlook - the Timestealers.


They cannot afford to WASTE Time...they travel in search of TOMORROW...

... in order to save TODAY !


Project Notes:

Currently the project is awaiting funding and has established international interest in possibility of both an Animated and Live Action Feature Film as well as 65 half-hour episodes for Children's Television Series.


However at present, and until confirmation is firm, the interest of other potential
investors, Funders, Sponsors, Producers, and Distributors worldwide is welcomed.








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